Friday, October 5, 2012

Furniture Care Instructions - Shopping,

Furniture Care Instructions by Martin Hughesin (submitted 2012-07-20)

When your new furniture arrives, it is usually in pristine condition, but as time goes by this condition can start to fade.

Most garden furniture can be cleaned using soapy water and a hose pipe/pressure washer.

However, there are some things that you can do to ensure that your new furniture stays in its peak condition for longer if you follow these basic care instructions.


Remove any cushions from the furniture and start removing any dirt/leaf's/rubbish using a brush.
Then simply get some warm soapy water and clean thoroughly to ensure that any dirt and spills are removed.

Then get your hose pipe/pressure washer and wash away the soapy water. Let this dry out before using it again.

With most furniture sets, you can remove the cushions covers so that you can wash them.
Generally speaking, the covers are suitable to be machine washable and can be placed within a normal 30/40 degree wash cycle but please always read the labels.

Frame Maintenance

With the majority of furniture sold today whether it is Plastic/Aluminium/Steel/Wood/Resin, there is usually some kind of protective coating that is applied to the frame work to ensure that it endures the test of time. As with anything, this protective coating can start to weaken and needs to be "topped up" to ensure it lasts much longer.

We would recommend applying some protective wax/oils or even to reapply some protective paint to the frame to help protect it even longer.

Out of season care

Once we start to go out of season and it is too cold to be sitting outside, we strongly recommend that you at least cover your furniture with a weatherproof cover.

Ideally, you would want to store the furniture in a dry place but we know that this is not always possible.

Always ensure that any cushions are stored indoor while not in use.


Make sure that and dirt and grime is removed especially if you are not using the furniture for a while. Also make sure that you "top up" the protection on the internal framework to ensure that the longevity of your furniture is extended past the normal recommended life span of the furniture.

And most of all always ensure that any cushions are stored indoor while not in use and that your furniture is covered up during the winter period.

Source: About the Author


I work for featureDECO and I am looking to review some of our products and also write some articles about some of the queries/issues that i come across in my day to day activities.

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