Debbie Roome - Debbie Roome is an award-winning freelance writer, journalist and novelist with over 25 years experience.
Cellphones are Commonly Used by Cyber Bullies - Debbie RoomeCyber-bullying is defined as harassment and abuse that is perpetrated by posting photographs, messages and comments on cell phones, computers, tablets and similar devices. Facebook and social networking sites are commonly involved but text messages and emails are also channels for cyber-bullying.
Six Types of Cyber-BulliesCyber-bullies come in various shapes and forms but there are certain characteristics that can help identify them. Many bullies will display a combination of the following behaviors.
The nitpicking bully enjoys picking other people’s work apart. They criticize spelling, grammar and punctuation and may challenge facts and figures. They are pedantic in this and often lose sight of what the purpose for the post or article was. Their endless attack often leaves a victim emotionally bruised and demoralized.
Verbal cyber-bullies play with words and are skilful in using them to hurt and destroy. Derision, scorn and sarcasm are common and they may spread falsehoods across social networking sites. They like to dominate and insults may include racist and cultural remarks.
Cyber-bullies with long memories love to drag up the past. They hold grudges for things that happened years ago and try to resurrect unresolved arguments. In order to provoke their victim, they may post gory details of previous offences on public forums and social networking sites.
Cyber-bullies may resemble stalkers when they make it their business to find out personal details including email addresses, cell phone numbers, Facebook pages etc. They may also track down home addresses and land line numbers. If they have intimate personal knowledge such as where birthmarks are, they’re not shy to spread these facts across the internet.
Persistent cyber-bullies often wear people down by the continual harassment. They are convinced they are right and make it their mission to point out others faults. It is futile arguing with them, as they will not pay any attention. They want their victims to behave as they direct and will point out inadequacies and mistakes in great detail. It is common for them to make up non-existent friends to back up their claims.
The expert cyber-bully often tangles with people who are knowledgeable in certain fields. They claim to be more qualified and to have insider knowledge that negates what the person has written about the subject. More often than not, they are incorrect - and even if they do have some knowledge, it is not their place to point out minor errors.
Cyber-bullying can be extremely distressing and identifying the problem is the first step towards addressing it. Many people try to shrug off this form of harassment but it is better to try to end it. Knowledge is empowering and it is important to know that cyber-bullying is never acceptable.
Issues Related to Bullying. Accessed December 30, 2011
The Bully Action Guide, Edward F Dragan, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, ISBN 978-0-230-11042-7
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